Promoting Lifestyle ​Habit Changes

For A Healthier Society

The Joe and Emmy Liu Charitable Foundation is a 501(c)3 ​private operating foundation founded by Silicon Valley ​semiconductor veteran Joe and his wife Emmy in 2019 ​intended to give back to society.


Our Vision

Prevent Chronic Disease and ​Medicare Bankruptcy

At the Liu Foundation, we know that chronic diseases like heart ​disease, cancer, and diabetes can have a big impact on people’s lives. ​In fact, they affect 60% of Americans and cost our country a lot of ​money – over 80% of our total healthcare costs!

But there is good news. Recent studies have shown that following ​healthy habits like not smoking, exercising regularly, eating well, and ​controlling your weight can lead to a longer, healthier life. And it’s not ​just physical habits that matter – things like getting enough rest, ​staying social, and managing your finances can also make a difference.

That’s why the Liu Foundation has created the LIU App and Video ​series. These resources promote evidence-based habits that can help ​prevent chronic disease and improve your overall health. The app is ​based on the habits recommended by Harvard and Stanford, and it ​helps you track your progress towards a healthier lifestyle.

About Us

Joe & Emmy Liu Foundation ​is a 501(c)(3) private ​operating foundation ​utilizing technology to ​benefit public health. EIN 84-​4011555.

Our Work


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46540 Fremont Blvd,

STE 514,

Fremont, CA 94538