TeleHealth AI


A Message from the Joe Liu Foundation

Learn how to prevent chronic diseases by incorporating healthy habits into your lifestyle. Watch ​our educational videos to gain valuable insights and knowledge on maintaining good health.

Benefits of Watching our Videos

  • Save time with our quick and easy short videos
  • Learn from good resources on chronic diseases prevention and healthy lifestyle changes
  • Take a fun break from stress with our engaging and imformative videos
  • Boost your self-esteem and overall well-being through lifestyle habits

Check out our YouTube channel to watch all of our videos ​and sunscribe for more content!

Long Educational Videos

Long Educational Videos

We discuss practical tips and strategies for ​incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine ​and maintaining them long-term.

Our short videos provide fun and engaging ​reminders to help you build healthy habits and ​inspire you to strive for an improved quality of life.

Additional Resources

The Joe Liu Foundation is here to improve ​your health and work performance!

Addressing topics such as physical mental social ​and so much more. This welnness program is here ​to help reduce your chronic stress and improve ​your quality of life. Visit our oage to check it out!

Check out the Joe Liu Foundation App to ​build healthy lifestyle habits!

With the app, you can get the support you need to ​increase your self-assurance and reduce your ​ongoing stress while working. Visit our page to ​check it out!

About Us

Joe & Emmy Liu Foundation ​is a 501(c)(3) private ​operating foundation ​utilizing technology to ​benefit public health. EIN 84-​4011555.

Our Work


Social Media

Visit Us

46540 Fremont Blvd,

STE 514,

Fremont, CA 94538